DIY Dishwasher Detergent Pucks

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DIY Dishwasher Detergent Pucks |

Making a DIY version of dishwasher pucks was something I stumbled upon completely by accident – like many good things, of course.

So, today in my monthly post over at Keeper of the Home, I'm sharing my stumbled-upon discovery: DIY Dishwasher Detergent Pucks.

Get the three-ingredient recipe and all the instructions over at Keeper of the Home!


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  1. The dishwasher puck recipe doesn’t seem to have a measure for each puck. I have varying sizes of silicone cube trays; do you measure 1 or 2 T of the ingredients per puck? Thanks!

    1. There’s no measurement listed because it’s totally up to you. Do you want the puck to fit in the little container in your dishwasher door? Do you want make them to be as frugal as possible and make as many as possible, while still getting your dishes clean? Do you want them to fit nicely inside whatever storage container you use?

      It truly doesn’t matter how big or how small or what shape you make them – they merely need to work when you use them in the dishwasher without leaving a residue (meaning they were too big) and without actually getting the dishes clean (meaning they were too small).

      As a reference, I usually make them using 2-3 tablespoons per puck, if that helps. 🙂

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