Thank you for contacting us! We genuinely appreciate all the feedback our readers provide, and all your “thank yous” and thoughtful insights are what keep this site going. They are much appreciated – truly!
That said, we receive a lot of mail each day, so to help us best respond to you, please read this page and then tell us how we can contact you.
**Please note that Kresha is not a healthcare professional and cannot respond to requests for advice concerning medical conditions or recommended dosages for supplements.**
If you have a question about a post:
Rather than fill out this form, please leave a comment on the post, if comments are open on that particular post. You'll receive an answer faster (a response is usually posted within 24 hours) and you'll be helping the community, as it's entirely possible others are wondering the same thing.
If you have a question:
Some of the best posts on this site have come from reader questions, so please write to us at the address below. While we may not write you back directly, it's entirely possible that we'll formulate a post around your question within the next weeks or months. We also occasionally post reader questions to our Facebook community.
If you just want to say hello, say “thank you,” or share a brief thought:
Please don't hesitate to write and please know that these are the e-mails that absolutely make our day. Also, please know that even if we don't write back, that doesn't mean we haven't (ahem) possibly printed out your e-mail and placed it in a frame over our desks. We do appreciate your kind and encouraging words!
If you want Kresha to speak at your event, do an interview, participate in a summit, schedule a group coaching, lead a retreat, or do a book signing:
For speaking requests, please write us at the address below. Kresha will respond personally with a custom quote depending on your location and your needs. She looks forward to talking with you!
For book signings, please contact Kresha's publicist directly at
If you want to write a guest post:
We publish less than two percent of the unsolicited guest posts we receive, but if you feel you have an article idea that would fit superbly as part of Nourishing Joy, we'd love to hear from you. Feel free to query our editor at the address below.
Please include in your query:
- the specific topic(s) you would like to submit – for example, rather than saying “I would like to write about fermented foods,” offer “Five Ways to Feed Your Toddler Fermented Foods at Lunch”
- a brief description of why each specific post fits perfectly on and exactly what it offers to our readers
- samples of your writing – this can be on your own blog, magazine articles, research papers, or whatever will show us your writing style, your impeccable use of the technical aspects of the English language (meaning, we're looking for proper grammar and punctuation) and your own unique voice. We also want to know that you know how to research a topic and appropriately cite your sources.
Guest posts must be original and previously unpublished. If you have already written the article, feel free to attach it to the query via this contact form. If your article is accepted, we will follow up and give you all the particulars about how to submit your article and what we require of you. You will receive full by-line and authorship for your article.
Please give us 1-2 weeks to respond to your query before following up.
If you want us to promote you:
The number of e-mails we receive requesting promotion is astounding, and it is very rare for us to promote a product, service, or site that we don’t personally use, since we stake our reputation on honesty, integrity, and thoughtful critique.
Because of the volume of requests we receive and in order to have sufficient material with which to make an honest evaluation, you must be willing to provide at least $100 worth of product for review AND offer at least $100 of product as a giveaway to our readers, as well as pay our sponsorship fee (contact us for our current rates). We also reserve the right to publish our review at our own convenience, with honest opinions, and only if we determine that the product will indeed offer value to our readers.
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